Sunday, November 30, 2008

Calling all Muslims to unite!!!!!

Bismillahirrahman nir rahim..

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pengasih lagi maha Penyayang.

Wahai saudara-saudari seIslam ku.. marilah kita teguhkan ukhwah fillah kita. Kalau tidak, nauzubillah min zalik..blh hancur kita.

Geert Wilders (bg aku dia ni blh dianggap 'laknatullah') sekali lg m'ancam agama suci kita yakni Islam. dalam kenyataannya dlm Wall Street Jurnal (klik sini), dia menyatakan bahawa budaya mereka lbh baik dr kita (budaya Islam). satu bhgn yg paling aku panas bila membaca artikel ni adalah..

Yet he insists that his antagonism toward Islam reflects no antipathy toward Muslims: "I make a distinction between the ideology . . . and the people. . . . There are people who call themselves Muslims and don't subscribe to the full part of the Quran. And those people, of course, we should invest [in], we should talk to." He says he would end Muslim immigration to the Netherlands but work to assimilate those already there.

His idea of how to do so, however, seems unlikely to win many converts: "You have to give up this stupid, fascist book" -- the Quran. "This is what you have to do. You have to give up that book."

dgn sewenang2nya dia menghina Kalam Allah,Al-Quran. Sbg org Islam kita kenalah teguh bersatu dan terus berpegang teguh dgn ajaran Al-Quran sampai Akhirat.

Doaku..moga kita terus diberkati dengan hidayah dan kekuatan hati olehNya untuk terus berada di jalan yang lurus(ISLAM). takbir!!! Allahu akhbar!!

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